Wednesday, March 21, 2012



The Caldwell High School slides were previously placed into archival sleeves, numbered, scanned and saved to a JPEG file format. Some of the slide images were printed onto archival photo paper with three photos per sheet. The photos measured 4 x 6 inches, and were individually cut and placed into archival sleeves. Subsequent slide images were printed on pre-cut archival paper for placement into sleeves. While waiting for the arrival of another order of archival sleeves to complete the project, attention was turned to the yearbooks, for help in identifying some of the individuals in the photos.


Place slip of paper with page info face-down
and next to pages to be copied on 22 x 17 inch paper.
All of the Caldwell High School yearbooks in the archives were searched for pages with JR ROTC (Reserve Officer Training Corps) entries. Earlier research had indicated the span of years and the subject matter of the slides. When such an ROTC-related entry was found, the yearbook, date and page numbers were written on a narrow slip of paper and inserted to mark the place. Once all of the yearbooks had been searched, they were taken to a nearby copier for further work.

Item will be copied with info beside
 the photo and without black edges.
Fold legal-size paper in half, lengthwise,
and place along edges of  item to be copied.

Example of copy with yearbook
date and page info beside  photo.
Copies of the yearbook pages were made onto 22 x 17 inch paper, which captured images from two pages at one time. The yearbooks were opened to the previously-marked pages and placed face down. The slip of paper with the yearbook date and page numbers was also placed face down next to the yearbook on the copier. In addition, two sheets of legal-size copy paper was folded in half, lengthwise, for the purpose of placing it beside the edges of the yearbook to eliminate a waste of black toner when copying.

Once copies had been made of all of the marked pages, they were placed in the box with the slides and photographs for later comparison for help in identification of the slide photos. Incorporating the slip of paper used to mark the yearbook pages with the copy, was time-efficient in eliminating extra work of having to go back and identify the copies, page numbers and then writing the information a second time.


The original Excel file produced while scanning the numbered slides was opened. Notes had been written about each slide as it was scanned, including dates stamped, written information included, and observances about each of the photos. This file was in numerical order by slide numbers. A copy was made of the file and used to open another workbook, where the file was sorted by date stamped on the slides. The slides will probably undergo some slight re-ordering according to these dates. Furthermore, arranging by date helped to clarify the placement of a few slides without dates. Identifying the photographs by date will be more useful when comparing them to the yearbooks by date. This is where the copies of the JR ROTC pages by yearbook dates will be beneficial, especially for naming individuals.

When all of the photos from the slides are in archival sleeves, the photos will be grouped by similarities and dates. These will be contrasted against the description in the Excel file, as well as the copies from the yearbooks, with the dates adding even more specific parameters.

In addition, some copies of the photographs will also be placed upon the blog for the Local History Department, in hopes that some readers will offer further information and identification.


One of the aspects that this post brings to mind is the principle of original order in archival management. This is found in the textbook, Developing and Maintaining Practical Archives, second edition, by Gregory S. Hunter, on pages113-115. Where possible, original order of arrangement is preferred. The slides were originally in a carousel tray and were removed and placed in the same order into slide sleeves. It is obvious that some are out of place, after completion of the scanning and registering of the date stamps on the slides. The use of dates is the best way of bringing the slides together by subject areas, since little is known about the identification of the photos.

One practice that has become clear, is that of saving one's original description of items, such as an Excel file or Word document. This should be done separately from subsequent files sorted in other ways, such as alphabetical or by date. During the processes of editing and sorting, mistakes could be made and data could be moved into an incorrect position, thus hindering the effectiveness of a finding aid with mistakes. If the original description is kept separate, it would be easy to refer back to it for clarification of accuracy.

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